Life of a Cat is a choose your own adventure game where you get to see the world through the eyes of a cat.
[[Let's go->Choose your character]][[Sam->Cat6am]] or [[Ben->Cat6am]](text-colour:red)+(background:black)[6:00 AM]
You're hungry and your human was selfishly up late last night and RUINED your sleep.
Now they have the nerve to sleep in past feeding time. Don't they know that 6:00 sharp is when you //need// to eat?
What should you do?
(set: $sixfed to false)
(cycling-link:"Sit near the human's face and purr while staring at them","Hmm they're really out cold. Purr louder.","Nothing. Go closer and purr in their ears.","No luck, let's try something else.","Walk on the human and meow at them until they get up","Excellent! They are groggily waking up and stumbling out of bed to pour out some food.(set: $sixfed to true)","")
[[Go back to sleep->Cat8am]](text-colour:red)+(background:black)[8:00 AM]
(if: $sixfed is true)[
The human is still asleep. You have been staring at their face for 30 minutes and are starting to get bored.
What should you do?
(seq-link:"Meow at them until they wake up and entertain you","mew","Meow","Meoooooowwwwwwwww","MEOW!!!","The human is very tired today and is ignoring you.")
[[Search for catnip->Catnip]]
[[Nap->Morning nap]]
(else-if: $sixfed is false)[
The human is waking up. Ah, what a wonderful sleep. Now you're ''really'' hungry.
What should you do?
(link:"Run from across the room and jump on the human")[MEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Oof, that didn't work. The human looks annoyed.
(seq-link:"Release a series of long desperate meows as loud as you can","meeeeeoooow","MeOwWw!","MMMMMeoooooowwwwwWWWwwww","MEOOOOOWW!!!","Success. The human has complied and is pouring out some kibble.")
(cycling-link:"Rub your head against their face and purr","Good work, looks like they think you're cute. You'll get some wet food in no time.","The human is opening a can of wet food. The good stuff. Jackpot!","Mmm that hits the spot.(set: $eightfed to true)","[[Alright, let's find that catnip stash->Catnip]]")
](text-colour:red)+(background:black)[12:00 PM]
After spending some time pretending to be cute and innocent, the human does not suspect anything. It is the perfect time to [[break into the cupboard and steal the catnip.->Break into the cupboard]](text-colour:red)+(background:black)[12:00 PM]
Ah, what a great nap.
What now?
[[Find catnip->Catnip]](text-colour:red)+(background:black)[12:00 PM]
The cupboard is high, above the kitchen counter. This will be a difficult heist.
What should you do?
[[Climb up above the cupboard, open it from the top and sneak in->Top cupboard]]
[[Reach up from under the cupboard and push the door open with your claw->Bottom cupboard]]Yikes, that cupboard is high. You're almost touching the ceiling.
(cycling-link:" open the cupboard with your claw","that's heavy","ah, getting closer","little more...","Ah ha! Got it ","Hmm now where's that catnip?", "[[Lean in to look...->Fall]]")As you reach up and pry open the cupboard you see the catnip bag on the middle shelf. This will be a stretch.
What should you do?
[[Carefully reach up as high as you can and feel for it with your claw->Get catnip]]
[[Try to make a running jump from the kitchen island onto the shelf->Shelf]]AH! Cursed gravity. You fell from the top of the cupboard and knocked down a glass too.
The shattering glass has alerted the human. [[ABORT MISSION!->Abort]] (text-colour:red)+(background:black)[2:00 PM]
Alright, you made it, I'm sure the human has no clue that was you that broke the glass. Phew!
What should you do now?
[[Afternoon nap->Afternoon nap]]
[[Knock over a plant to distract the human from the broken glass->Plant]](text-colour:red)+(background:black)[8:00 PM]
That was a big nap. You might as well just keep sleeping at this point.
[[Sleep for the night->Cat6am]]As the human begins to sweep up the broken glass, you sneak off to the living room where a variety of plants are kept on shelves.
(link:"Push the ivy plant off the shelf")[=
The plant falls to the ground, spilling dirt all over the carpet. Great work!
[[Time for a well deserved nap->Afternoon nap]](cycling-link:"Double-click this passage to edit it.","Almost...","Is that it?","Nope. What's this...","[[Ah ha! That feels like a bag.->Catnip 2]]")(cycling-link:"You made it! What an impressive feat of athleticism.","Oh, wait... that's the wrong shelf.","You're stuck.","Well, so much for catnip. Meow until the human rescues you.","[[MEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW->Rescued]]")As you rush to rip the bag down, you pull out an adjacent dish as well which loudly falls to the ground and breaks.
The shattering glass has alerted the human, but who cares!!! You got the sweet sweet catnip.
What should you do?
[[Run and act like nothing happened->Abort]]
[[Roll in the catnip, eat it, smell it, cover yourself in it->Busted]]The human has rushed into the room and is angrily making sounds and looking at you. They are moving towards you as if to take the catnip away.
Damn! you feel good, that is some premium catnip!
[[Knock over a plant to distract the human->Plant]]
[[Fight the human for the catnip->Fight]]You hiss and swipe at the human but it's futile, they take the catnip away. Bet you won't see that catnip for awhile now.
What now?
[[Knock over a plant to teach the human a lesson->Plant]]
[[Take an afternoon nap->Afternoon nap]]The human has come! You reach out and dig your claws into their body to thank them for saving you from the certain doom of being stuck in that shelf.
The human winces with pain, but still thinks you're cute. They make some incomprehensible sounds baby talking to you and sprinkle some catnip around.
[[Have a nap->Afternoon nap]]